NNRT submits comments to CMMI regarding a potential Oncology Care First (OCF) model

On December 13th the NNRT submitted feedback to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) regarding a potential new model for value-based payment to support high-quality oncology care. The NNRT supports the continued inclusion of patient navigation services as a requirement in the model, while encouraging CMS to strengthen the requirement and its implementation – while still maintaining flexibility for the participating oncology practices. Full details can be found in the letter submission.
We would like to thank the NNRT Policy Task Group and the NNRT member organizations who provided review and input to the letter. Thank you to the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators (AONN+), American Cancer Society & American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Cancer Support Community, GW Cancer Institute and National Patient Advocate Foundation.
NNRT Final Comments on Oncology Care First Model RFI 12-13-19